Osfest Photos Will be Going up here: https://www.brandonengel.com/events/
For Hi-Res Versions, Edits, and Prints E-mail me at: Ko.Bach276@gmail.com
I’d like to thank N. Dreman for helping me capture the event.
I’d also like to thank Osfest for inviting me out. If you’d like to learn more about the event head on over to http://www.osfes.org/
Osfest 3 is a Sci-Fi convention based in Omaha, Nebraska. It ran this year from July twenty third to the twenty fifth.
“The Omaha Science Fiction Education Society (OSFES) is an organization for fans of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Our focus is chiefly on the written word (SF novels and short stories), but we also enjoy various media presentations (Sci-Fi TV, films, radio, anime, and comics), games (board, miniature, RPG, CCG, and LARP), costuming (historical, fantasy, media/re-creation, and original), filksinging (original songs and parodies), art (paintings, sketches, and cartoons), and many other areas of the science fiction and fantasy genre (SF/F).” – Osfes.org About Page.