Surviving the forces of being me.
Doesn’t fall into any other categories.
So I went for a fairly long walk the other day and got to thinking about what to do with this site. The Pretty picture thing every once and a while has been nice but I want to switch focus quite a bit. There will still be the pretty pictures but a lot more commentary on them and a lot more about my life because some may find it semi-interesting or actually interesting.
I’m into a lot of outdoor ventures and that’s mainly what I’ll be focusing on. Along with my random musings and a few of my art projects.
“Self improvement is masturbation.” And it feels sooo good. I’ve been trying to get in better shape and loose a bunch of weight this year. I’ve made some good progress, mainly through diet control. At the beginning of 2011 I weighed 245 lbs, on December 26th I’m down to 195 lbs. I’m not stopping their either, I’m trying to get into the best shape of my life during 2012 and so far I’m well on my way to achieving that.
I’ll be starting my open water certification for scuba diving in the spring and a nice long hike planned. You’ll see more kit reviews, hikes, etc. throughout next year.
Stunning Snowboarding trailer.
Lazy Elk Signage near Aspen Colorado. I love how it looks as if it’s just lazily hanging out on the road, as opposed to most the other signage where they look as if they’re going to jump out of the side of the road and fuck you up (which is more likely to happen.)
Let’s see what captions we can come up with.