These are from a trip a couple years ago down the Niobrara. Random and no edits.

P1050378 P1050341 P1050339 P1050336 P1050335 P1050330 P1050311 P1050308 P1050305 P1050298 P1050281 P1050242 P1050170 P1050166 P1050120 P1050105 P1050103 _DSC8720 _DSC8491 _DSC8402 _DSC8381 _DSC8315 _DSC8250 _DSC8242 _DSC8184

Boundary Waters Canoe Area


_DSC4738Trying to dry our soaked clothes.

_DSC4723Enjoying the first bit of sun on our trip.


_DSC6840Me and my mom.







Off to get a 1985 VW Vanagon this weekend in Colorado! Hoping to turn this thing into a badass weekend warrior machine. Details to follow

Brandon Engel UnderwaterMe underwater somewhere near Van Buren underwater taken by my girlfriend Jess.

I laughed at this and thought you might too.